Corporate Insurances

NSA Ltd. is a corporate consultancy company that can both recommend and effect insurance packages to their clients. With over ten years of experience in Corporate and Banking environment, we can provide company officers with the additional support that they may require to make any commercial decision. We have access to dedicated companies that can provide risk assessment solutions and provide officers with consulting services where required.
Corporate and Financial Institution Insurance packages we can provide:
- Banker's Blanket Bond (BBB) — This is a fidelity Bond purchased by financial institutions (Banks) that protect against a variety of losses caused out of criminal acts carried out by their own employees. These can be losses occurring from dishonest acts of those employees.
- Director's & Officers (D&O) — This is an Insurance cover that offers liability cover for the company managers, protecting them from claims that might arise from the decisions and actions that they have taken within the scope of their normal duties. These policies cover the personal liabilities of company directors and officers as individuals. Most listed companies obtain cover for claims against the company itself for a wrongful act in connection with the trading of its securities. This cover has become a regular part of large multinational companies risk management, and is essential for all kinds of other organisations as well.
- General third party liability (GTPL) — Also known as Public Liability (PL) Insurance and for any company this is an important consideration, since it covers the company for claims made by a member of the general public against your business. It is a core cover for businesses that come into contact with clients, suppliers, and other third parties and who suffer loss due to an operation of your normal business operation.
- Professional Indemnity (PI) — Also known as Professional Errors and Omissions Cover. This sort of cover helps protect professional advice- and service-providing individuals and companies from bearing the full cost of defending against a negligence claim made by a client, and damages awarded in such a civil lawsuit. The coverage focuses on alleged failure to perform on the part of, financial loss caused by, and error or omission, in the service or product sold by the assured. These are causes for legal action that would not be covered by a more general liability insurance policy which addresses more direct forms of harm. Professional liability insurance may take on different forms and names depending on the profession, especially medical and legal, and is sometimes required under contract by other businesses that are the beneficiaries of the advice or service. Most common professions that require this type of cover:
- Lawyers
- Architects/Engineers
- Insurance Brokers/ Intermediaries
- Doctors (Medical Malpractice)
- Accountants
- etc.
- Employment Practices Liability (EPL) — This type of liability insurance covers wrongful acts arising from the employment process. The most frequent types of claims covered under such policies include: wrongful termination, discrimination, sexual harassment, and retaliation. In addition, the policies cover claims from a variety of other types of inappropriate workplace conduct, including (but not limited to) employment-related: defamation, invasion of privacy, failure to promote, deprivation of a career opportunity, and negligent evaluation. The policies cover directors and officers, management personnel, and employees as insureds.
- Cyber Insurance (Electronic Computer All Risks Insurance) — Cyber cover a business' liability for a data breach in which the firm's customers' personal information, such as Social Security or financial/personal information numbers, are exposed or stolen by a hacker or other criminal who has gained access to a company's electronic data network. These policies cover a variety of expenses associated with data breaches, including: Notification costs, credit monitoring, costs to defend claims by state regulators, fines and penalties, and loss resulting from identity theft. In addition, these policies cover liability arising from website media content, as well as property exposures from: (a) Business Interruption, (b) Data loss/Destruction, (c) Computer Fraud/Crime, (d) funds transfer loss, and (e) cyber extortion. Cyber and privacy insurance is often confused with technology errors and omissions (tech E&O) insurance.
- Professional Building, Contents & Stock Insurance — Whether a company ownes its own property or leases, there is a requirement for insurance cover of the property and contents or contents alone as assets of the company. At the same time the requirement to cover product stock is also an issue. Business covers from various national and international providers can be assessed and the most competitive provided to company officers.
- Product Liability Insurance — This type of liability insurance is typically mandated by legislation, the scale of which varies by country and often varies by industry. This type of insurance covers all major product classes and types, including chemicals, agricultural products and recreational equipment, and protects companies against lawsuits over products or components that cause damage or injury.
- Construction All risks (CAR) — For Companies involved in Construction projects this insurance provides for an all-risks based approach to their insurance requirements which the project is underway, covering both the property and the liabilities arising out of the operation of the project.
- Employer's Liability (EL) — These policies protect Companies from major financial loss if a worker experiences a job-related injury or illness that workers compensation doesn’t cover. Employer's liability Insurance can be packaged with workers compensation insurance to further protect companies against the costs associated with workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths that aren’t covered under workers compensation.
- Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance — This is considered a specialised product that assists in the case where there environmental cleanup costs and liabilities associated with any given company operations.
- Political Risks — This type of insurance cover provides financial protection to investors, financial institutions and businesses that face the possibility of losing money because of political events. It protects against the hazard that a government will take some action that causes the insured to experience a large financial loss. Political risk insurance can cover many possibilities, such as expropriation (government confiscation of property), political violence (acts of civil unrest or insurrection), the inability to convert local currency and repatriate it, sovereign debt default, and even acts of terrorism and war.
- Kidnap and Ransom (K&R : Land Based) — Policyholders of such insurance packages are protected from the financial losses that may result from a kidnapping event, extortion and ransom demands. This type of insurance can be obtained for one person or multiple people, including a spouse and relatives, among others. A basic policy typically covers ransom payment, loss of income, interest on bank loans, medical and psychiatric care and access to a crisis management support team. Some K&R policies also cover the eventuality of losses incurred due to injury, incorporation cosmetic or plastic surgery expenses, time away from work after release, psychological support and rehabilitation, travel expenses, reward money paid to informants and, in the unfortunate event, funeral expenses.
- Livestock/Bloodstock Insurance — A more specialised product aimed at agricultural and animal related industries — Livestock producers face considerable challenges they must guarantee increasingly demanding contractual obligations of quality, quantity and timely supply of their produce to local, regional and international markets, backed at all times by high standards of hygiene and animal welfare. Creating and running such a business necessitates sizeable, long-term capital investment. However, a multitude of risks, such as disease, machinery breakdown and fire, to name but a few, threaten the welfare and productivity of livestock, spelling potential financial disaster for the livestock producer. This insurance facilitates a financial assistance when the producer requires it keeping in mind the risks involved and the capital investment he/she has made. At the same time, the bloodstock and equestrian insurance markets are highly specialized, each with a distinctive risk profile since race horses are valued according to their performance and racing regulation.